Promoting Healthy Decision Making
Pregnancy prevention and risk reduction education is vital in providing young people with information they need to protect their health and future. Youth educators at Mothers and Babies are highly qualified to present evidence based curricula to school classes, community groups, professionals and parents. We work closely with school officials, teachers, agency staff, and parents to positively impact young people’s lives in helping them make good choices – for now and in the future!
Using asset based strategies; our successes are measured by the positive feedback we receive during and after our programs from students, staff, and parents. Our educators employ interactive strategies to engage learners, so that greater learning can take place.
In a world where knowledge of any kind is accessible at the tips of our fingers, it just makes sense that teens and adults alike would seek out information on sexual health from online sources like social media. Unfortunately, a lot of the information frequently used is inaccessible, not inclusive, and at worst, inaccurate. The purpose of our Instagram is to provide a trauma-informed, accurate, and inclusive source of information for teens and their parents/guardians to get the facts they need to stay safe. Our hope is that information you find on this page can help supplement your own knowledge about sexual health and provide conversation starters for parents, teens, dating partners, and friends about sexual health and individual wellness.
Our Facebook page is a great place for parents, caregivers, and professionals who work with youth to access valuable information to be an askable adult.
We Tailor Our Programming to Best Fit Your Needs
Funding from the New York State Department of Health and the Federal Office of Adolescent Health to foster leadership and strengthen coordination of programs at the state and local level to reduce unintended teen pregnancy, STDs, HIV/AIDS, reduce ethnic/racial disparities in sexual health outcomes, and promote optimal sexual health for young people ages 10 to 19 in NYS.
- Evidence-based programming for Middle & High School youth
- Making Proud Choices curriculum for MS
- Be Proud, Be Responsible curriculum for HS
- Adult prep, Life Skills education for middle and high school youth
- This project is focused on reaching high-risk youth in schools and agencies in Broome and Tioga counties.
Draw the Line/Respect the Line is an evidence-based curriculum for sixth, seventh, and eighth grade. Interactive learning strategies are used to increase student engagement.
- Sixth grade focuses on dealing with peer pressure and listening when a friend says “no”.
- Seventh and eighth grade include dealing with sexual pressure, STD/STI/HIV information, and consent education as well as pregnancy prevention.
A series of educational modules designed to assist teens with informed decision-making regarding critical life choices and self-sufficiency. Topics include: Food Rules, Health Matters, Learning Changes, Money Talks, Job World, Apartment Hunt, Exploring Healthy Relationships, Dating for Real, Sexual Assault Prevention, Clinic Visit, Anger Management, Personal Hygiene, What the Health, and Your Mental Health Matters. All life skills can be appropriate for high school audiences. Middle school appropriate life skills include: Food Rules, Exploring Healthy Relationships, Anger Management, Personal Hygiene, Health Matters, Learning Changes, and Your Mental Health Matters
Parents/Adults Supporting Teens
P/AST is a communication series that is designed to help parents/adults. By speaking with our facilitators and receiving information on a variety of topics, parents/adults are empowered to begin a dialogue with their teens. Topics of sessions include: bullying, self esteem, puberty and sexuality, peer pressure, social media, etc. Programs may be held at schools, churches, businesses and community organizations and resources can be shared through email or discussed over the phone. We also encourage parents to follow our Instagram for information and tips.
When the educators are out in the field, they have resources available to provide interested youth information on local resources that can assist them in areas they have indicated. Educators in the field are prepared to provide interested youth with local resources that can provide support and further education in areas of their needs or interest.
“We will not be turned around or interrupted by intimidation because we know our inaction and inertia will be the inheritance of the next generation.”
Have a Question?
Our educators, like our agency, are committed to promoting healthy decision-making. Please contact us today to ask about our programs, availability and success!