A One-Stop Search Tool for Consumers Looking for HIV/AIDS Service Providers

The tool takes advantage of open data from HHS agencies such as CDC, SAMHSA and HRSA, along with other Federal departments like HUD, to allow searches across many service provider databases at one time. Results are displayed on a dynamic map, marking each service provider near the location you searched. You can view the provider’s contact information, which services they provide, and get directions to the provider’s location.

How it works:

  • If you know the 5-digit ZIP code of the area where you are, you may get better results. If you don’t, you can just use the nearest city and state, like Baltimore, MD, or San Diego, CA.
  • You can click on the markers on the map to get more information about each location.
  • You can also view the locations in a list view. Click on the list button.
  • To get directions to a service provider’s location, you can enter the specific address for where you’d like to start from, and directions will be displayed.

The HIV Testing Sites & Care Services Locator is a first-of-its-kind, location-based search tool that allows you to search for testing services, housing providers, health centers and other service providers near your current location.

API stands for application programming interface, and is a way for data to be shared in a flexible and open way. This allows for many different uses of the data, by many different groups and individuals.

All of the same location data that you can find through the Locator tool: service provider names, addresses, phone numbers, locations and so on, categorized by service type.

Through https://locator.hiv.gov/data.

The following parameters are available:

Perform a search by ZIP Code. Must be a 5 digit number.

Perform a search using latitude and longitude coordinates. If lat, long and zip are provided, lat and long will be ignored.

A comma separated list of the types of services to search. The following are the currently available service types:

  • Testing
  • Housing
  • Clinics
  • Mental Health
  • Substance Abuse
  • Family Planning